James teaches us that we can rejoice when we find ourselves caught up in difficult situations, knowing that God is trying our faith to bring out patience.  Patience is a tough one, we like things now, we like answers now, we like resolution...now!


Ask God to help you have a healthy and proper balance of work and rest. Take time to accomplish the tasks before you but be sure to seize your opportunities to be at peace and enjoy rest. Both are important. Balance is the key!

DAILY DEVOTIONAL | April 30, 2024

On difficult days it is helpful to be reminded to persevere in order to fulfill the call of God on our lives. On those days when you feel like giving up, just remember that God has given you the power to hold on!

DAILY DEVOTIONAL | April 29, 2024

God's Word encourages us to have an active faith, and by doing so we shut the door to laziness, procrastination, and passivity. You are more powerful than you may realize. God has given you free will, and that means you can decide to act on, think, and speak what is right, and nothing can stop you.

DAILY DEVOTIONAL | April 28, 2024

When I was young, I viewed success much differently than I do today. Age and experience, highs and lows, certainly give us perspective. Our ultimate success and value in life is not found in climbing what the world calls the ladder of success. Our success is not in a job promotion, a bigger house, a better-looking car, or elite social circles.

DAILY DEVOTIONAL | April 27, 2024

We all want to succeed in life. No one sets out to fail or wants to fail. But I do believe failure can be an important steppingstone on the way to success. Failure certainly teaches us what not to do, which is often as important as knowing what we are to do! Failure is all about how we look at it.

DAILY DEVOTIONAL | April 26, 2024

I wonder how many millions of people think, I just don’t feel the way I once did about my spouse. I wish I still felt excited about our marriage—that the romantic feelings would come back. This is when we need to remember: Wishing does not do any good; only action changes things.

DAILY DEVOTIONAL | April 25, 2024

Victory in life—and winning your unique battles—is achieved through God's grace, but you have to choose to trust Him every step of the way.

DAILY DEVOTIONAL | April 24, 2024

Eve lost the first battle for the mind, and we have continued to fight for it since that time. But because we have the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives, we can win our battle for the mind—and our battles in life—and we can keep on winning.